We wish to feed people

Around The world

By means of collaborative innovations, Uttam Aahar has boosted relief & recovery efforts in sustainable ways amid this COVID-19 pandemic by responding to immediate needs of offering low cost, safe and tasty meals to Mumbaikars, to begin with!!


Free Meals Donated


Dishes Served In 2021

0 K

Individuals Served

help us stop the hunger

We Are licensed to Kill hunger

With a population of more than 1.4 billion people, India is one of the most diverse countries in the world; but like most countries, it faces significant hunger challenges. India currently ranks 101 out of 116 on Global Hunger Index, revealing that 14% of people are undernourished.

Uttam Aahar, being a Non-profit Food Outlet represents a lynchpin in the ongoing food crisis, helping frontline volunteers respond to immediate hunger needs while powering a community-driven response that builds sustainable resilience towards food availability for the future.


HELP us feed kids TO OVERCOME their HUGE Malnutrition

Feed and enhance Nutrition.

Mission is to minimise food wastage

Some people Need Food and We Feed them with Your help!

There is so much food wastage in the country. We can do our bit to prevent this by sharing our food with people who cannot afford. Whether it is an elderly neighbor, a homeless person or a family, sharing your plate with them will make you feel happy and good.

Multiple Event & Conference

Our engagement drives are focused towards Food Safety, Diet & Nutrition, Health & Hygiene and Sustainability. 

We Need Donations

Anna Dan, Maha Kalyan
₹3,200 Raised so far ₹50,000 Our Goal

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Here's what you're about to donate:
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Donation Total: ₹500

Here is your Corporate Social Responsibility

Give A Helping Hand For Hungry People

Uttam Aahar’s work is made possible through partnership with likeminded businesses & foundations. Through employee engagement, product donation, financial contribution and cause marketing, our partners nourish families & strengthen communities. To learn more about how your organization can join the fight against hunger, contact us.

We Help Thousand Of Peoples

Our Volunteers

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