Food-waste Hurts Most, Lets Reduce!!

Around one-quarter of the calories the world produces through food production are thrown away; they’re spoiled or spilled in supply chains; or are wasted by retailers, restaurants and consumers. To produce this food we need land, water, energy, and fertilizer inputs. It all comes at an environmental cost and millions of hungry stomachs!

Uttam Aahar and its partners – including food banks, community service organizations, businesses, non-profit organizations and research institutions – are at the forefront of fostering healthier communities and a healthier planet by redistributing food and thereby helping reduce food loss and waste. This is being achieved by investing a lot of resources, time and fund to create more and more awareness towards all the stake holders about minimization of food waste and by providing them with adequate tools and cooling machineries to preserve the otherwise food waste for a longer period of time for easy and safe distributions amongst needy and hungry stomachs.

We seeking donations to invest in to procurement of several cooling devices of different specifications and necessary logistic tools for achieving above mentioned goals by setting up multiple food storage locations across Mumbai city.

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Donation Total: ₹1,000